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2mm Bamboo Plywood Sheets Natural Vertical

2mm Bamboo Plywood Sheets Natural Vertical is one of the most popular materials for Bamboo Countertops, Bamboo Cabinets, and Bamboo Furniture. Because of bamboo plywood‘s strength and stability, a lot of wood furniture fans are going to use bamboo for its sleek design appearance. Besides the typical furniture, it widely uses as Wall Panelling, lights, Guitars, Pianos, Shelves, Bikes, and Yachts.
As a bamboo veneer and bamboo panel manufacturer, we can produce different sizes and structures according to customers’ requirements. The specifications of 2mm Bamboo Plywood Sheets are as follows: 2mm standard size 4’ x 4’, 1 Layer Natural Vertical comes from their layer 2mm

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natural vertical bamboo plywood 2mm

JULYBAMBU Bamboo plywood are available in six colors: Carbonised, Natural, Zebra, Natural Strand Woven Carbonized Strand Woven, and Tiger Strand Woven

Carbonized Vertical
Carbonized Horizontal
Natural Vertical
Natural Horizontal
Strand Woven

The control of moisture content, for the stability of bamboo board has a very important role, moisture content is not controlled, will directly lead to bamboo board deformation, cracking and other serious quality problems.

Side-pressed and plain-pressed bamboo plywood, apart from their appearance, do not differ in performance and have the same high stability and hardness.

Strand Woven Bamboo
Strand Woven Tiger

The difference between oiled and plain bamboo boards is that before oiling, the surface of JULYBAMBU® bamboo boards is a light carbonized color, after oiling


The factory maintains an effective Quality Management System, JULYBAMU® will control the quality of products manufactured using robust processes focused on preventive measures and strive to continually improve them. 


The panel inspection of bamboo boards mainly includes 11 aspects: The surface must be clean and free of significant defects.; Without Cracks; Chips; Without Scratches; Without Dents; Gouges;Without Stain; The Texture must be smooth, uniform, and without roughness。

Individual Package
Pallet Packaging
Sample Packaging
Loading Container

We have more production workshops

Oil and Lacquer BambooCNC Cutting Bamboo into ShapedLaser Engraving Bamboo


JULYBAMBU’s commitment to product health and environmental protection

Environmental Protection Certification

JULYBAMU® FSC Certificate code: BV-COC-166804

The material in this product comes from well-managed forests, independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council.-JULY BAMBU®

sgs认证 can22 122919
Test item(s): Formaldehyde Emission Content Unit: mg/L
MDL: 0.05 001: ND
Notes: Reference information:Class E1. Formaldehyde emission content ≤1.5mg/L.

Bamboo source of raw material guarantee

Not from forests involving illegal logging;
Not from uncertified virgin forest (inf) or high conservation value forest (IICVF);
Cannot come from forests involving forestry disputes/conflicts;
Not from tropical and subtropical natural forests that have been converted to plantations or non-forest land;
Not from officially determined transgenic plantations;

Glue environmental protection guarantee

The glue used for the bamboo is environmentally friendly;
Bamboo plywood formaldehyde emission requirements are tested according to the specified gas analysis method, the maximum allowable content should not exceed 0.8mg/m2/h;
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